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Heart of the Storm

The air is barren and choking / Steals the breath from our lungs And the voice from our shredded throats Inhaling the dust / Expelling the waste from our past / We tread on Through wind so cold it burns / Skin becomes stone / The flesh of our faces gangrenous death The waymarks have twisted and fallen / Luring to paths errant and untrod Pointing toward chasms tumbling sheer / Into the pits of the earth Pointing toward monoliths vanishing / Into the heart of the storm There is no way forward There is no way back I defy the futility / Clutching my fingers cragged and bleeding / To the knives edge of stone We ascend Beaten by hail Lashed by the scourge of the furor Our worth is tried yet again Still you are there climbing beside me Into the unknowable black of the sky

Thunder and Hail

Falling away Turning to stone Burning to dust Burrow the roots ever deeper Down through the last of our cities Blood on the last of our chins Vines growing up through our corpses We disappear into thunder and hail Become soil Disintegrate Bodies burden on paths of silent austerity Through deafening chaos of space Predators hunt and feast upon prey Forests will rise and fall Taken under rivers of salt Flowing to mountains Claimed by merciless pressures of time Oceans will fill with our refuse Oceans will boil away Planet will settle the debt by extinguishing humanity I see the first light of our last day Peace in the eyes of the last human alive I see the first light of the last day Stare at the sun until it swallows the sky

Where Leads the Yawning Pit

What is the purpose of this all but to span the chasms But to chisel with our bleeding hands Footholds in walls of stone Until every mountain face will stand below What is the purpose of this all But to raise a cry To rouse the slumbering flock To call our allies to our side So we can ride unflinching to our deaths What quenches the fire that burns beneath our skin What snuffs the light within our eyes Where leads the yawning pit of anguish in our chests Were we to listen Were we to follow Is the purpose of this all to die Not seeming to have lived in vain To see your name rise in smoke In stories on tongues of yet unborn In fires with the names of ancient martyrs On waves that crash On as yet unformed shores

Son of Hatred Son of Fear

You seek in wells of filth for power that was never yours to hold You seek in pools of shit for honor Begging to your captor for the rotting scraps Told you were born a king You fill the ashen pit that haunts the marrow of your bones By your footpath sowing trauma borne of violence Son of hatred Son of fear To prove yourself to your father Make his wounds your own To prove yourself to your son Pass your wounds into him I will let the stagnant blood from the bruises beaten into my flesh Soak into my body Every cell enriched by the poison of your blows Ignites my veins / becomes my breath I will let the blinding poison searing deep into my eyes Burn into my skull I will let the blinding poison Light the way Light the way The threat will not disappear If we look the other way Fascism must be actively destroyed To my brothers and sisters There can be no middle ground The time has come and gone To pick a side So pick a side